9 Changes You Can Make to Start Eating Healthier

There are modifications that are simple enough to maintain over time. You’ll be eating healthier in no time!

Eating a balanced and healthy diet is one of the most important things you can do to preserve your maximum health. Adults can avoid chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes by doing so, and those who are already chronically ill can better manage their illnesses. But, exactly, what does “healthy eating” entail? It might take different forms for different people, but the end goal is to develop a routine of eating and drinking foods and beverages that provide you with the nutrients you need to maintain your general health. So, how can you get started eating healthier—and keep it up in the long run? According to experts, the finest techniques for doing so are as follows.

Start Slow

When you’re just starting out on your nutritional adventure, you’re unlikely to know everything there is to know about healthy eating. After all, there’s a lot to learn.  One strategy is to try a new veggie every week.  Choose a new veggie to try and come up with a new recipe to include it into a dinner. If you do this once a week, or even once a month, you’ll end the year with a variety of new nutritious foods and dishes you didn’t even realize you liked. And that’s a certain method to eat healthy without feeling overwhelmed.

Keep track of what you eat

If you go about your day mindlessly eating whatever you want or don’t prepare your meals before eating them, you may find yourself eating less healthily than you intended. It’s also possible that you’re not getting enough of certain meals.

Putting pen to paper is one approach to be more aware. Write down your reasons for wanting to eat healthy (weight loss, cholesterol reduction, increased energy, improved emotions, and so on), and read it every day. You can use an app like MyFitnessPal to track your intake to ensure you’re receiving enough nourishment.

Indeed, you could be shocked at what you discover if you take the time to write down everything you eat. Talk to your doctor or obtain a referral to a dietician to figure out what your recommended intake is in the first place. 

Reduce your intake of ultra-processed foods

Pre-made foods are extremely convenient, especially when juggling work, family, and other responsibilities. However, make it difficult to control your food consumption due to several portions in one package or an abundance of not so healthy ingredients.

Ultra-processed foods are highly processed and created in such a way that they’re really easy to overeat.  Store-bought cookies, sugary breakfast cereals, frozen corn dogs, and other convenience foods are examples. These foods are frequently heavy in added sugar, white flour, and/or added oils, giving few vitamins and minerals but a large amount of calories. 

Make your default whole foods and meals that you prepare yourself instead. You’ll eat more healthier things this way, and you’ll be more likely to consume the amount you planned because whole foods fill you up faster than processed ones. Also, while chopped and frozen vegetables, canned beans, and shelled pistachios have been processed, they are still whole foods, thus this recommendation to eat fewer ultra-processed foods does not apply to them.

Eat more plants

The advantages of a plant-based diet, such as vegetarianism or veganism, are extensively recognized. Vegans, for example, have higher quantities of healthful fats, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory substances in their bodies than non-vegetarians, according to research. To that end, switching to a more plant-based diet could be a good place to start. If you follow this technique, remember that you don’t have to go completely vegan or vegetarian to gain the health benefits.

In fact, one of the greatest diets for 2022 is the flexitarian diet, which is largely vegetarian but incorporates some animal protein on occasion. It’s important to remember that it’s not a zero-sum game. This viewpoint might be intimidating and lead to failure. Try replacing some of the ingredients in one of your favorite non-vegan recipes, such as beef tacos with tofu tacos. You might find that by using this method, you’re not only eating healthier, but also exploring new foods.

Make sure you’re eating a balanced meal

Another strategy to begin eating healthy is to evaluate what you have on your plate. Some foods should play a big role in your diet at every meal. Fruits and vegetables should be the backbone of your diet; vegetables should make up half of your plate. Put lean protein on your plate in addition to one serving of fruit at each meal.

An ounce of nut butter, turkey bacon, cottage cheese, or an egg are all good sources of protein for breakfast. During lunch and dinner, protein should account for about a quarter of your plate; opt for three to four ounces of skinless chicken breast or fish. If you don’t know what four ounces (113 grams) looks like, imagine the size of a deck of cards.

Make appropriate substitutions

While there are no meals that are fundamentally good or bad, some should be consumed in moderation. White flour, which is used in many baked items and breads, is one of these foods. Substitute whole grains or veggie replacements for a major portion of it (or other simpler carbs). Use cauliflower rice instead of white rice, legume pasta instead of white flour pasta, or wrap sandwich ingredients in lettuce. 

By making these substitutions, you may eat more vegetables while consuming less white flour. It’s a win-win situation! You can also use mustard instead of mayonnaise, spiralized vegetarian noodles instead of spaghetti, and seltzer water instead of soda.

Don’t exclude carbs and fats from your diet

Carbohydrates and fats are without a doubt two foods that have acquired a bad reputation throughout the years. The idea that these foods are “bad” for you has grown in popularity over time. But, this doesn’t have to be the case. You need carbohydrates at each meal for energy, eliminating carbs can lead to overeating and sugar cravings. Aim for around 1 cup of cooked starch per meal, such as oatmeal, rice, sweet potatoes, couscous, or pasta, preferably whole grain.

Make sure you have healthy fats at each meal, such as nut butter, avocado, or olive oil. You can lower your risk of heart disease by ensuring that you consume healthy fats. You can reduce your risk of heart disease, artery hardening, and stroke while also lowering your blood pressure, triglycerides, and “bad” cholesterol by eating healthy fats. On the other hand, your “good” cholesterol will increase.

Increase your water consumption

If you’re looking for ways to eat healthier, you should also consider drinking healthier. After all, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, drinking enough water—on average, 2.7 liters per day for women and 3.7 liters per day for men—will help you control your temperature, process wastes, and protect your spine and joints. As a result, make sure you drink enough water every day. If you’re not drinking enough water, replace soda and sugar-sweetened beverages in your life with water. Again, sugar-sweetened beverages aren’t bad for you, but you should consume them in moderation. So, if you’re in doubt, get a glass of water.

Smart shopping and preparation

One of the reasons it can be challenging to begin eating healthily is because it takes time and effort. That’s why easy foods are so appealing, especially when you’re stressed or tired. Go to the store or buy groceries, since you need a well-stocked fridge and pantry to have healthy options in the house. When you have time, make large batches of rice and chicken or fish for meal prep so you may have dinner ready on busy days.

You can prepare lean protein and vegetables ahead of time and keep them in the fridge, then slap them on a sheet pan and bake them when you come home from work. When you sit down to a nutritious, delicious supper on weeknights, you’ll be thanking your former self for all of these possibilities.

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