10 Best Sources of Healthy Fats

A diet with healthy fats is essential for your body to work properly: absorbing nutrients from food, giving you energy, keeping you warm and helping the cells in your body to function adequately. Eating high fat food varieties also slows down sugar digestion from carbohydrates which helps the gut wellbeing, satisfies your hunger and adds flavor to your food.

During the 1940s, a diet that contained fats had a bad reputation when studies connected it to elevated cholesterol levels. A low fat diet was popular for a long time until the world consensus leaned to a more flexible approach regarding the importance of varying the diet.

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, are important in many balanced and healthy diets. The following list contains 10 of the best unsaturated, high fat food sources.


Avocados contain a high quantity of oleic acid, a fatty acid, that gives a lot of advantages to your wellbeing — particularly when consumed in the Mediterranean diet, as per a 2020 examination article published by Frontiers. The oleic acid present in avocado oil might be helpful against certain chronic conditions like diabetes and heart illness because of its anti-inflammatory properties.

Avocados are likewise rich in fiber and meet around half of your everyday fiber necessities. Women require 25 grams of fiber and men require 38 grams of fiber day to day, as indicated by the National Institutes of Health. They additionally have a decent amount of protein, and the lutein contained in avocados benefits eye health.

You can substitute saturated fats with avocado, for example using crushed avocado instead of mayonnaise and margarine. It’s a flavorful natural product that makes an incredible dressing for a serving of mixed greens or an addition to your healthy breakfast.

Fatty Fish

fatty fish is a good source of healthy fats

The American Heart Association suggests that individuals consume two servings of fish every week. Fatty fish contains omega-3 unsaturated fats that good for the brain and heart health. Here are a few examples of fatty fish to remember to include in your eating routine:

  • Salmon
  • Sardines
  • Fresh Tuna (not canned)
  • Mackerel
  • Herring
  • Trout

Eating two meals a week containing fatty fish will assist you with taking most benefits. In any case, you ought to stay away from fish high in mercury, like swordfish.


The vast majority already know eggs as a great source of protein, yet eggs are additionally a good source of healthy fat and other nutrients, as per the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The yolk contains choline which upholds your brain functions, nerves, muscles and liver. It likewise contains lutein that benefits the eye wellbeing.

In the past, eggs have gotten a bad reputation for affecting cholesterol levels. Nevertheless, recent studies uncovers the opposite. For instance, a recent report from Heart uncovered that eating a single egg a day might bring down the risk of cardiovascular disease as seen in 0.5 million Chinese participants.

Add eggs to your eating routine by exploring different froms of cooking eggs, for example you may do poached eggs or omelets with vegetables, which are only a couple of healthy ways of eating eggs.

Dark Chocolate

Go to dark chocolate since it’s loaded with healthy fats, antioxidants and other nutrients. Dark chocolate has been displayed to fight off desires for sweet desserts. Dark chocolate is likewise a decent bite source of magnesium.

Eating dark chocolate could lessen your gamble for coronary illness. Individuals who consumed chocolate 5 times a week had the most reduced risk of every one of those studied of creating cardiovascular disease, as per a recent report from Clinical Nutrition.

Remember dark chocolate for your baked goods since it contains a rich measure of flavonoid antioxidants. Search for organic cocoa that contains no less than 70% dark chocolate.

Read here a list of other health benefits of dark chocolate.


Olives are an exemplary staple of the Mediterranean eating diet. Black olives are a healthy fat source of monounsaturated fats and also fiber, however processed olives might contain elevated degrees of sodium.

Oleuropein is a helpful compound found in olives that analysts say could alleviate complication in the treatment of diabetes, as per a recent report distributed in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. The compound helps the body with discharging more insulin and purigying amylin, a molecule that contribute to the advance of diabetes. As per the review’s discoveries, oleuropein likewise decreases oxidative stress and recovers tissues.

Remember more olives for your eating regimen by building a charcuterie board with olives, making a tapenade or adding them to pasta dishes and salads.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil contains monounsaturated healthy fats, antioxidants, vitamin E and vitamin K. Extra virgin olive oil has been connected to possibly bringing down dangers of heart disease in the people who have high risk factors for developing a cardiovascular problem. The American Heart Association reports that consuming more than one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil per day could bring down one’s chance of having coronary illness.

Extra virgin olive oil is amazing to add as a dressing to many tidbits and meals, and it likewise has a lower smoke point than numerous different oils. Don’t be shy to drizle your salad with olive oil!

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds pack some very rich nutrients into a little size. Chia seeds contain antioxidants, fiber, protein, calcium and iron, as indicated by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Did you had at least some idea that chia seeds would be one of the best plant-based sources of omega-3 unsaturated fats?

Omega-3s furnish the body with a several health advantages, from alleviating joint pain side effects to decreasing triglycerides in your blood. One 2014 review published in Plant Foods for Human Nutrition deduces that chia seed flour might lessen hypertension.

Top servings of mixed greens and smoothies with chia seeds. You can likewise involve them as a vegetarian egg substitution in baking. Use 1 tablespoon of chia seeds for 2.5 tablespoons of water and let it sit for a couple of minutes, and you have one egg substitution once the combination coagulates.


Flaxseeds offer a strong solid of protein, fiber and omega-3 unsaturated fats. Expanding your fiber content likewise causes you to feel more full, and flaxseeds are little to such an extent that you don’t have to eat too much to accomplish that. Flaxseeds are rich in lignans, a plant protein that produces antioxidantes and estrogen effects.

Add flaxseeds to your eating regimen by mixing them into baked producst, a smoothie or yogurt. Flaxseeds likewise improve the mouthfeel and taste of vegan burgers, offering a nutty chomp.


Nuts are one of the best sources of protein, fats, fiber, minerals and antioxidants you can find. You can easily eat them as a snack while you are studying or working and also as a complement to your salad. Remembering to include more nuts in your eating regimen can assist with preventing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular problems and lower cholesterol, as indicated by Harvard Health.

A five-year research followed more than 373,000 individuals and observed that that the people who consistently consumed nuts were less inclined to put on weight or become overweight or obese in the long haul. The study was published in 2017 by the European Journal of Nutrition.

Each nut contains an alternate sustenance profile, so you ought to consume an assortment of nuts. Add nuts to dishes, mixed greens, smoothies, brownies or trail mix.

Nut and Seed Butter

nut butter can beanother great source of healhty fats

Delectable, helpful and ignored sources of healthy fats are spreadable nut and seed butter. Including them in your eating routine offers a method for getting the benefits of both healthy fat sources along with other nutrients.

The main drawback to eating nut and seed spreads is that they will quite often be high calorie. They may be good for people who are trying to gain weight or bulk for example. However, limit each serving to two tablespoons if you are currently trying to lose weight, for example, on a cut of toast or in your morning smoothie. These spreads likewise make a decent dip for apple cuts.

Important Takeaway

These ten healhy fat food sources are great assets of sustenance that might diminish risk factors for chronic illness and other wellbeing concerns. Limit how much saturated fat and trans fats you consume. Share any worries about adding high fat food sources to your eating regimen with your doctor or dietitian prior to making major changes, as you might have a sensitivity you don’t know to some specific food.

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